API endpoint that returns all Launch objects or a single launch.

EXAMPLE - /launch/<id>/ or /launch/?mode=list&search=SpaceX

Return a list of all Launch objects.

Fields - 'name', 'id(s)', 'lsp_id', 'lsp_name', 'serial_number', 'launcher_config__id',

'normal', 'list', 'detailed'
EXAMPLE: ?mode=list

Searches through the launch name, rocket name, launch agency, mission name & spacecraft name.
EXAMPLE - ?search=SpaceX

GET /2.0.0/launch/a861fb4d-8988-468b-abd1-a6e8abe5f2c7/?format=api
Allow: GET
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "id": "a861fb4d-8988-468b-abd1-a6e8abe5f2c7",
    "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.0.0/launch/a861fb4d-8988-468b-abd1-a6e8abe5f2c7/?format=api",
    "launch_library_id": null,
    "slug": "vanguard-vanguard-5",
    "name": "Vanguard | Vanguard",
    "status": {
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Failure"
    "net": "1958-05-28T03:46:20Z",
    "window_end": "1958-05-28T03:46:20Z",
    "window_start": "1958-05-28T03:46:20Z",
    "inhold": false,
    "tbdtime": false,
    "tbddate": false,
    "probability": null,
    "holdreason": "",
    "failreason": null,
    "hashtag": null,
    "launch_service_provider": {
        "id": 166,
        "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.0.0/agencies/166/?format=api",
        "name": "US Navy",
        "featured": false,
        "type": "Government",
        "country_code": "USA",
        "abbrev": "USN",
        "description": "The Navy was competed with the Army to put the first American satellite into orbit. Their first two Vanguard missions failed, with the second being a highly publicized failure, as it exploded on the launchpad. They went on to put 3 satellites into orbit but did not beat the Army to be the first. Their work in space continues today largely on military satellites.",
        "administrator": null,
        "founding_year": "1963",
        "launchers": "",
        "spacecraft": "Vanguard 1-3 | Parker Solar Probe",
        "launch_library_url": null,
        "total_launch_count": 18,
        "consecutive_successful_launches": 0,
        "successful_launches": 3,
        "failed_launches": 15,
        "pending_launches": 0,
        "consecutive_successful_landings": 0,
        "successful_landings": 0,
        "failed_landings": 0,
        "attempted_landings": 0,
        "info_url": "http://www.navy.mil",
        "wiki_url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_Navy",
        "logo_url": null,
        "image_url": null,
        "nation_url": null
    "rocket": {
        "id": 3014,
        "configuration": {
            "id": 449,
            "launch_library_id": null,
            "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.0.0/config/launcher/449/?format=api",
            "name": "Vanguard",
            "description": "The Vanguard rocket was intended to be the first launch vehicle the United States would use to place a satellite into orbit. Instead, the Sputnik crisis caused by the surprise launch of Sputnik 1 led the U.S., after the failure of Vanguard TV3, to quickly orbit the Explorer 1 satellite using a Juno I rocket, making Vanguard I the second successful U.S. orbital launch.",
            "family": "",
            "full_name": "Vanguard",
            "manufacturer": {
                "id": 82,
                "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.0.0/agencies/82/?format=api",
                "name": "Lockheed Martin",
                "featured": false,
                "type": "Commercial",
                "country_code": "USA",
                "abbrev": "LMT",
                "description": "Lockheed Martin's Space Division started in the production of missiles and later ICBM's in the 1950s. Their TITAN missile system was used for 12 Gemini spacecraft and the Voyager probes.  They have worked largely in collaboration with NASA on many of their probes, landers, and spacecraft, and hope to play a key role in NASA's return to the moon in 2024.",
                "administrator": null,
                "founding_year": "1953",
                "launchers": "Titan | Agena",
                "spacecraft": "Hubble | JUNO | InSight",
                "launch_library_url": null,
                "total_launch_count": 80,
                "consecutive_successful_launches": 38,
                "successful_launches": 77,
                "failed_launches": 3,
                "pending_launches": 0,
                "consecutive_successful_landings": 0,
                "successful_landings": 0,
                "failed_landings": 0,
                "attempted_landings": 0,
                "info_url": "http://www.lockheedmartin.com/",
                "wiki_url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin",
                "logo_url": null,
                "image_url": null,
                "nation_url": null
            "program": [],
            "variant": "",
            "alias": "",
            "min_stage": 3,
            "max_stage": 3,
            "length": 23.0,
            "diameter": 1.14,
            "maiden_flight": "1957-10-23",
            "launch_mass": 10,
            "leo_capacity": 9,
            "gto_capacity": null,
            "to_thrust": 123,
            "apogee": null,
            "vehicle_range": null,
            "image_url": "https://spacelaunchnow-prod-east.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/images/vanguard_1_on_p_image_20240411114304.jpeg",
            "info_url": null,
            "wiki_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanguard_(rocket)",
            "total_launch_count": 11,
            "consecutive_successful_launches": 1,
            "successful_launches": 3,
            "failed_launches": 8,
            "pending_launches": 0
        "launcher_stage": [],
        "spacecraft_stage": null
    "mission": {
        "id": 1432,
        "launch_library_id": null,
        "name": "Vanguard",
        "description": "Small satellite used to test the Vanguard three-stage launch vehicle.",
        "launch_designator": null,
        "type": "Test Flight",
        "orbit": {
            "id": 8,
            "name": "Low Earth Orbit",
            "abbrev": "LEO"
    "pad": {
        "id": 118,
        "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.0.0/pad/118/?format=api",
        "agency_id": 166,
        "name": "Launch Complex 18A",
        "info_url": null,
        "wiki_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Canaveral_Launch_Complex_18",
        "map_url": "https://www.google.com/maps?q=28.4493,-80.564494",
        "latitude": "28.4493",
        "longitude": "-80.564494",
        "location": {
            "id": 12,
            "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.0.0/location/12/?format=api",
            "name": "Cape Canaveral, FL, USA",
            "country_code": "USA",
            "map_image": "https://spacelaunchnow-prod-east.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/launch_images/location_12_20200803142519.jpg",
            "total_launch_count": 952,
            "total_landing_count": 51
        "map_image": "https://spacelaunchnow-prod-east.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/launch_images/pad_118_20200803143338.jpg",
        "total_launch_count": 18
    "infoURLs": [],
    "vidURLs": [],
    "webcast_live": false,
    "image": "https://spacelaunchnow-prod-east.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/images/vanguard_1_on_p_image_20240411114304.jpeg",
    "infographic": null,
    "program": [],
    "orbital_launch_attempt_count": 12,
    "location_launch_attempt_count": 8,
    "pad_launch_attempt_count": 5,
    "agency_launch_attempt_count": 5,
    "orbital_launch_attempt_count_year": 9,
    "location_launch_attempt_count_year": 7,
    "pad_launch_attempt_count_year": 4,
    "agency_launch_attempt_count_year": 4