Expedition List
Levels of detail in the response - normal
, detailed
Example - /expeditions/?mode=detailed
Parameters - crew__astronaut
, crew__astronaut__agency
, end__gt
, end__gte
, end__lt
, end__lte
, name
, space_station
, start__gt
, start__gte
, start__lt
, start__lte
Example - /expeditions/?space_station=18
Fields searched - crew__astronaut__agency__abbrev
, crew__astronaut__agency__name
, crew__astronaut__name
, crew__astronaut__nationality__nationality_name
, name
Example - /expeditions/?search=Kelly
Fields - end
, id
, start
Example - /expeditions/?ordering=-start
Number of results
Use limit
to control the number of objects in the response (max 100)
Example - /expeditions/?limit=2
Switch to JSON output - /expeditions/?format=json
Find all the FAQs and support links on the documentation homepage - ll.thespacedevs.com/docs
GET /2.3.0/expeditions/
{ "count": 158, "next": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.3.0/expeditions/?limit=10&offset=10", "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 97, "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.3.0/expeditions/97/", "name": "Soyuz 18", "start": "1975-05-24T14:58:10Z", "end": "1975-07-26T14:18:18Z", "response_mode": "normal", "spacestation": { "id": 12, "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.3.0/space_stations/12/", "name": "Salyut 4", "image": { "id": 1951, "name": "[AUTO] Salyut 4 - image", "image_url": "https://thespacedevs-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/images/salyut25204_image_20190310081804.jpg", "thumbnail_url": "https://thespacedevs-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/images/255bauto255d__image_thumbnail_20240305194228.jpeg", "credit": null, "license": { "id": 1, "name": "Unknown", "priority": 9, "link": null }, "single_use": true, "variants": [] }, "status": { "id": 2, "name": "De-Orbited" }, "founded": "1974-12-26", "deorbited": "1977-02-03", "description": "Salyut 4 represented the second phase of DOS civilian space station. Although the basic design of Salyut 1 was retained, it switched to three large solar panels mounted on the forward module rather than its predecessor's four small panels on the docking module and engine compartment, presumably to generate more power. It had an interior floor area of 34.8 sq. The pitch of the station was 2 X 59 N, yaw was 2 X 59 N and roll was 2 X 20 N. The electric System produced an average of 2.00 kW of power. It had 2,000 kg of scientific equipment alongside two sets of three solar panels each and was equipped with the Delta Navigation System which was a new autonomous navigation system that calculates orbital elements without assistance from ground. It was powered by KTDU-66 thrusters. 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Although the basic design of Salyut 1 was retained, it switched to three large solar panels mounted on the forward module rather than its predecessor's four small panels on the docking module and engine compartment, presumably to generate more power. It had an interior floor area of 34.8 sq. The pitch of the station was 2 X 59 N, yaw was 2 X 59 N and roll was 2 X 20 N. The electric System produced an average of 2.00 kW of power. It had 2,000 kg of scientific equipment alongside two sets of three solar panels each and was equipped with the Delta Navigation System which was a new autonomous navigation system that calculates orbital elements without assistance from ground. It was powered by KTDU-66 thrusters. Instrumentation", "orbit": "Low Earth Orbit", "type": { "id": 2, "name": "Government" } }, "mission_patches": [], "spacewalks": [] }, { "id": 161, "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.3.0/expeditions/161/", "name": "Shenzhou 19", "start": "2024-10-30T03:00:00Z", "end": null, "response_mode": "normal", "spacestation": { "id": 18, "url": "https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.3.0/space_stations/18/", "name": "Tiangong space station", "image": { "id": 1941, "name": "[AUTO] Tiangong space station - image", "image_url": "https://thespacedevs-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/images/tiangong_space__image_20231031004146.png", "thumbnail_url": "https://thespacedevs-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/images/255bauto255d__image_thumbnail_20240305194211.png", "credit": null, "license": { "id": 1, "name": "Unknown", "priority": 9, "link": null }, "single_use": true, "variants": [] }, "status": { "id": 1, "name": "Active" }, "founded": "2021-04-29", "deorbited": null, "description": "The Tiangong space station is a space station placed in Low Earth orbit between 340 and 450 km above the surface. 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